Our Coronavirus Precautions – For Your Health & Safety

Coronavirus Protocol

As a service company that works in the homes of our customers, we are taking the risk from coronavirus very seriously. 

We have implemented a number of steps to ensure your health and safety and that of our team. 

When on your property we will:

  • Stand back 2 metres from your door on arrival
  • Refrain from shaking hands
  • Wear latex gloves while in your home
  • Clean down surfaces with disinfectant before beginning work
  • Clean down surfaces with disinfectant after completing work
  • Refrain from touching your credit or EFTPOS card during payment

We ask that you:

  • Maintain a 2-meter space between our staff and yourself and other occupants of your property (including children)
  • Refrain from being in the same room as our staff while they are working

Captain Cook Electrical remains committed to delivering a high quality and safe service for our customers and thank you for your cooperation. 

Keep updated on the latest news and recommendations regarding the Coronavirus at https://www.health.gov.au/ 


Better Call The Captain


Better Call The Captain