Category Archives: News

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Why use a licenced electrician?

Basic electrical work may seem fairly straightforward, in fact, you can probably find a youtube video on how to do just about any electrical job if you look long enough. In some countries it would seem that to carry out your own electrical work is ok, in Australia, however, it is against the law to have […]

What is an ACMA Licence

In a nutshell, ACMA stands for the Australian Communications and Media Authority formerly known as ACA and AUSTEL. The ACMA requires that anyone wishing to install, maintain, or repair cabling must be licenced and registered under the cabling provider rules. You can be prosecuted if caught performing cabling work without a registration. Requirements for registration […]

Outdoor Garden Lighting

We have all seen outdoor lighting at some point in our lives. It can be quite picturesque and also quite haunting depending how the lighting illuminates the space. Outside lighting these days isn’t just about being a good security deterrent, it’s also used to create a feeling of comfort whilst highlighting key features within your garden or […]


Better Call The Captain